Community Career Promoter Weekly Newsletter Feb 23, 2020

Community Career Promoter Weekly Newsletter

February 23,  2020 


2020 Census

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Career Event

Career Tip of the Week

Accessing Insular and Outer Communities

  Balancing Your Internal and  External Support

                By Gabe Hamda, PhD, SPHR 


Do you know you are the master of the concept of insular and outer communities? Do you know you have access to both layers of communities if you want to?


The purpose of this article is to inspire you to engage in both layers of your community to benefit from them when you need them. Also, your talents and resources can enrich both your insular and outer communities so that they can serve other community members who need them.


Here are two everyday illustrations that symbolize the relationship between insular and outer communities. The structure and layers of your residential home and your garment collection are two good illustrations of insular and outer communities.

Your residential home consists internal and outer parts. The internal part is the internal insulation and the nicer looking living area. The external part is the rougher looking outer wall and the roof to protect you against the changing weather conditions.

When you walk out of your residential home, the layers of your clothing consist of your under garbs and your outer garbs. Your under garbs have a specific function for your protection and comfort. Your outer garbs have a different function for your protection and your outer appearance.

Your garment collection consists of under garbs and outer garbs to provide your physical body comfort and health.

Based on the preceding illustration, the internal part of your residential home and your under garments are examples of your insular community.  The outer part of your residential home and your outer garments are examples of your outer community.

Your insular community is the first line of your support system. Some examples of your insular community are:

  1.  your family
  2. your friends
  3. Your classmates of schools your attended
  4. your faith community
  5. your ethnic community
  6. Your professional community


Your outer community is geographically located network of resources around you that is available to all people. Examples of the outer community are:

  1.  the American job Centers, which are located in every jurisdiction in America and are dedicated to career services to all people who seek the services at no charge.
  2. ToastMasters, which are located in every community and are accessible by all people and are dedicated to confidence building in public speaking.
  3. The Red Cross, which is the first responder for first aid and other vital emergencies and is located in every community.


Your life is considered to be in good balance when you are aware of and you have in place your insular community and your outer community layers surrounding you and your ability to access support and services from both layers.

Here are some tips for engaging with and fully benefiting  from your insular community:

  1. Continue to identify your insular community assets that you belong to. Are there family members you have not yet met? Are there alumni clubs and  former classmates you can connected with? Are there professional organizations you can join?
  2. Show your membership in good standing by actively engaging with groups of your choice.
  3. Volunteer to take a functional or a thought leadership role in a group that closely aligns with your passion.
  4. Network with the people within the group (s) of your choice.


Here are some tips for engaging with and fully benefiting from your outer community.

  1. Be familiar with the outer community resources near you. These include the American Job Centers, ToastMasters Clubs, the Red Cross.
  2. Pay visits to organizations of your interest to learn more about their services and their needs.
  3. Actively engage and network with organizations of your interest.
  4. Refer outer organizations to other community members who may need to access these organizations.


In closing, we all need insular and outer community resources when we need them because these organizations exist to serve our needs. Also, these organizations need our talents and our human ingenuity to survive and to thrive. Contributing our talents and resources enables these organizations to serve community members during their time of great need.


PSA Interview Questions

  1. I understand this public service announcement is about accessing insular and outer communities. Why is this important?
  2. What is the difference between insular and outer communities?
  3. What community problem does this solve?
  4. Please provide examples?
  5. Please provide tips?



Links to Career Related Resources in the USA


  • American Job Center (Locate Your Nearest American Job Center)


  • Arlington, VA Employment Center (Resource Page)


  • City of Alexandria American Job Center (Resource Page)


  • Washington DC American Job Center (Resource Page)


  • MD Dept of Labor Upcoming job Fairs & Events


  • Eventbrite North VA Hiring Events–springfield/north-va-hiring-events-/?crt=regular&sort=best


  • Eventbrite Silver Spring, MD Hiring Events


  • Toastmasters International.  Do you want to become a confident public speaker and a strong leader? If so, Toastmasters is the place for you. You’ll find a supportive learn-by-doing environment that allows you to achieve your goals at your own pace.

You may find a Toastmasters club near you @


Links to Career Related Resources in Canada


  • Access Employment -Access Employment assists job seekers from diverse backgrounds who are facing barriers to employment to integrate into the Canadian job market 


  • Employment Ottawa – Employment Ontario Ottawa Network 

  • Calgary employment services 

  • Calgary Alberta Canada Employment Resource Center 

  • Work British Columbia (AKA: WorkBC) WorkBC helps people find jobs, explore career options and improve their skills. We also help employers fill jobs, find the right talent and grow their businesses. 


  • Employment Ontario – Employment Ontario can help you get training, build skills or find a job. We connect people looking for work with employers looking for workers. 


  • Toronto Employment & Social Services Locations 





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