About Community Career Promoter

Engaging our best talents for the common good.

About Community Career Promoter​

Engaging our best talents for the common good.

Community Career Promoter is an inclusive community organization that welcomes all who need our services. Our core services focus on immigrants in transition. While we welcome public support, our primary resources come from the community we serve.

Our Mission

Community Career Promoter Community inspires you to achieve your highest human potential.

Our Vision

Community Career Promoter Community inspires you to achieve your highest human potential so that (a) you have a decent quality of life (b) you are capable of contributing to your community and (c) you are a positive force as a global citizen.


Community Career Promoter Community inspires you to achieve your highest human potential.



Community Career Promoter Community inspires you to achieve your highest human potential so that (a) you have a decent quality of life (b) you are capable of contributing to your community and (c) you are a positive force as a global citizen.

(1) What services does Community Career Promoter Community offer?  We offer soft skills training to build their inner confidence to succeed.  We offer informal networking opportunities to build a community of peers outside their immediate circle.  We offer Referrals to available career improvement resources in the local community so that they are able to tap into the wealth that exists in the community.  We teach them how to be resourceful by being inquisitive of the people around them. Why soft skills focused? Credible research shows 85% of career success is based on application of soft skills. Only 15% of career success is attributed to technical skills.

(2) What are our assumptions about people who seek our services?  We believe in the positive asset development model and not the deficit based problem solving model. We assume each participant comes to us with rich assets. Despite what some people express on the surface, We believe they come to us for validation and encouragement. We believe we are there to awaken the giant in them. Our private and public engagements consists of an Appreciative Inquiry based discovery of the assets that already reside in them. We are there to encourage them to tell their amazing stories and not ours. We believe in everyone as a role model. Role models are people with big hearts and purpose driven characters. Role models are not necessarily people with big pockets and with impressive job titles or impressive names of their employers.

(3) Where does our service begin and end?  We train in soft skills; We teach them how to be resourceful and Mine the opportunities around them. We refer our program participants to available community based career resources; we encourage participants to use existing local resources. We do not provide technical skills training. We do not offer career coaching. We do not provide career choices or advise.

(4) How do we create a sense of community?  We create informal networking experiences to foster peer to peer sharing and peer to peer learning.  We deliberately create a fun and a safe environment to foster self expression, confidence, active listening and informal learning.

(5) How do we determine the needs of our constituents?  (A) what is their story? (B) what is their life and career goal? ( C ) what are their values ( D ) what are their gifts and strengths ( E) what are their burning questions? (F) What are their long term and short term needs? (G) what is the joyous moment of their entire life (H) what is the joyous moment of the last 24 hours?

(6) How do we manage expectations?  We manage expectations by helping them discover their own internal and external assets and resources. We manage expectations by asking what their expectations are and  referring them to community resources. . We resist the temptation to give them our solutions and our advice. If we offer ready made solutions and advice, we encourage them to continue to depend on us. We must be versed in the inventory of abundant community resources they may tap into.  We manage their expectations by demonstrating we have personally used the community resources we are referring.

(7) How do we share personal insights?  We demonstrate active listening. We encourage them to share their stories. We retell their stories. We share relatable stories to validate their stories and to show them we are in the same boat. We share personal stories that show we are on the same journey with still work in progress.

(8) How do we measure our success?  We measure our success by the following key success factors (a) are our service recipients inspired to pursue their highest human potential as measured by their testimonials (b)  Do our one to one engagements with service recipients lead to identifying long term goals and immediate needs of service recipients. (c) program offerings progressively meet expectations of participants as indicated in program evaluations.